With offices in Savannah and Hilton Head, we provide financial planning, wealth management, and investment solutions for clients across the country.
Expand each section below to learn more about each specific service offered
We design and implement a customized investment strategy based on your specific circumstances and needs. Your comprehensive strategy will be designed to achieve your goals with the least amount of risk possible.
Portfolio management: A Purpose-Based Approach
We select only those asset classes that will help meet your specific needs over time, taking into account the effects of inflation.
Each asset class used in portfolio construction therefore serves a specific purpose, tailored to your situation.
Asset allocation ranges are established that optimize your chances of success.
We allow for some flexibility within asset allocation ranges to help us effectively manage your portfolio through market volatility and capitalize on opportunities.
Security Selection
Our highly experienced investment committee meets weekly to analyze macroeconomic data and review and assess specific securities.
Portfolios typically consist of a mix of individual stocks, stock exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”), bonds, fixed income ETFs, and select alternatives including structured notes.
Our approach to investing revolves around the principles of quality and income growth.
We actively manage portfolios for tax efficiency, liquidity, and risk management.
Our approach
We will assess your existing portfolio and present a recommendation for your custom investment strategy.
Changes to your holdings are made after careful deliberation to be consistent with your needs and focusing on tax consequences.
We deploy cash and redeploy proceeds from sales using a dollar cost averaging approach over a select time frame based on our assessment and view of macroeconomic conditions.
Portfolios are continuously monitored, and changes are communicated to you.
We regularly send market communication memos, identifying significant developments and trends, our forecast and strategy.
We Organize Your Financial Affairs
We evaluate your financial picture holistically and then organize and streamline. This may mean consolidating or moving multiple accounts. We begin by producing a comprehensive picture and strategy.
The Process:
Formalize a Financial Policy Statement that includes client circumstances, specific goals and financial and estate planning objectives.
Engage in dialogue with children and other family members as appropriate.
Work in close conjunction with your estate attorney.
Investigate various options such as the creation of an annual gifting program to family members or certain trusts that can help remove assets from the estate.
Discuss tax-efficient ways to invest and to pass on assets.
Provide investment management for any selected estate planning vehicles.
Are you ready to retire? Or if you have already retired, are you living within the budget you need to sustain your lifestyle for the rest of your life? Our professionals work with you to develop a long-term retirement strategy that meets your life goals.
The Process:
Develop a Financial Policy Statement that clarifies long-term investment goals, including the anticipated number of working years until retirement and annual living expenses in retirement.
Plan for saving money in addition to annual retirement plan contributions.
Develop an asset allocation policy that complements a retirement plan and is age-appropriate.
Make tactical changes to the asset allocation of the portfolio in response to changing market conditions.
When you reach the stage of drawing income from your investments, our comprehensive process is designed to assist you in effectively managing your finances. We will guide you in determining the optimal approach and amount for your withdrawals.
The Process
Engage in budget analysis in order to clarify the expected amount of future withdrawals from your portfolio.
Develop a Financial Policy Statement that describes your investment goals, risk parameters, and anticipated withdrawals.
Allocate the assets in such a way that your portfolio will generate returns that are sufficient to account for withdrawals and future inflation.
Hold enough stable value securities to create a reasonable margin of safety such that investments sensitive to economic ups and downs should not have to be sold during down years when they are undervalued.
We work with clients and their estate attorneys to establish and manage charitable trusts for your distribution of wealth and philanthropy efforts. Charitable trusts can be an effective strategy for managing concentrated positions and an integral part of tax minimization strategies. We also assist clients in setting up donor advised funds and in donating money directly from IRAs and other qualified plans.
We work to minimize your tax exposure. With our extensive experience and continuing education on the ever-changing tax laws, we work within the IRS guidelines and with your tax advisor to minimize taxes.
The Process:
Formalize specific estate planning objectives to be included in the Financial Policy Statement.
Engage in dialogue with children and other family members as appropriate.
Work in close conjunction with their estate attorney. Investigate various options such as the creation of an annual gifting program to family members or certain trusts that can help remove assets from the estate.
Discuss tax-efficient ways to pass on assets that have accumulated in retirement plans. Provide investment management for any selected estate planning vehicles.
For those selling a business, we guide our clients through the process and keep their best financial interests in mind.
The Process:
Manage financial affairs similar to running a business.
Examine the “business:” future cash flow needs, risk tolerance, charitable goals, investment goals, taxes, and preserving wealth for future generations.
Develop and prioritize goals for the proceeds from the sale.
Incorporate any other assets in the process of developing a long-term investment strategy.
Invest the proceeds in a way to maximize the odds of meeting the goals identified.
Attractive, Superior Relative Returns with High Profitability in Small Company Investing
In addition to balanced investment strategies, Chatham Capital Group has developed a Small Company Investing Strategy that is designed to provide the highest probability of generating both attractive real returns and superior relative returns over market cycles.
This Small Company Investing Strategy gained recognition from PSN Top Guns List of “Best Small Manager of the Decade: Small Cap Core Equity Universe.” Chatham Capital Group has been named to the celebrated PSN Top Guns List of best performing separate accounts, managed accounts, and managed ETF strategies for the decade ending December 31, 2022. The highly anticipated list, published by Zephyr, remains one of the most important references for investors and asset managers.
If you’d like to read more about this distinction, visit this link to read the full article.
Our Focus:
We focus on small company stocks, not because of the theoretical small company premium or a desire to fit in a particular “style box,” but because this universe of stocks allows us to find and exploit valuation inefficiencies and earnings growth opportunities that are “under the radar” of most investors.
Our Goal:
Our goal is to purchase durable businesses at a discount, which can further compound their intrinsic value to generate client returns that exceed US equity benchmark returns with less statistical and conceptual risk.
Our Benchmark:
We consider this to be a small cap strategy, and because our emphasis equally balances valuation and attractive growth potential, we believe our approach fits best under a core style category. Therefore, our primary benchmark of choice is the iShares Russell 2000 ETF (IWM).
Schedule a Consultation
Get in touch today to set up a meeting and find out if Chatham Capital Group is a fit for your financial needs.